M 2


A. Match the two columns.

1. mop                                         a. on the phone
2. do                                            b. shopping at the mall
3. hang                                        c. the Net   
4. go                                            d. the floor
5. download                                 e. information
6. talk                                           f. out with friends
7. surf                                          g. the washing-up

B. Choose a, b or c.

1. Martin is the               of a magazine.
     a. editor                b. chef                c. bellboy
2. Can I               my e-mails on your computer?
     a. recognise         b. check             c. interview
3. Ali               goes to the mall. He doesn’t like spending his free time there.
     a. rarely                b. often               c. always
4. My               always has lunch in the cafeteria.
     a. boss                  b. adult                ­­c. champion
5. I don’t               cooking every day. I enjoy it.
     a. need                 b. want                c. mind


Complete the dialogues with the phrases in the box.
a. How often do you come here?    b. Do you like shopping?
c. So, what do you think of this place?    d. Would you like to come?

1. Beth  Jess and I want to go to the mall.
1)                                                               .                                                         
    Jane  I don’t know. I can’t stand being there.
    Beth  We just want to buy a pair of shoes.
2)                                                                                            .                     
    Jane  Well, not really. I’m so bored.
    Beth  Oh, then the mall is not for you.

2. Mark (3)                                                                                            .                       
    Tony It’s brilliant! A café with a lot of books and games. I love it.
    Mark Me too.
    Tony  (4)                                                                                            .                                                                                                                 
    Mark  Once a week only. You see, I finish work late during the week,
             so I only come on Thursdays.


A. Complete with the Present Simple of the verbs in brackets.

1. George                                               (not read) magazines, but he
                                                  (always / read) newspapers.
2.                                               your friends                                               (send) SMS messages to each other?
3. I                                               (usually / not finish) work early. I
                                                  (often / get) home at ten o’clock in the evening.
4. My brother                                               (never / be) at home in the afternoons.
    He                                               (go) to the gym.

B. Complete with prepositions of time.

1. I like reading magazines with my friends                       my free time.
2. Ted has a karate lesson                       6pm                       7pm every day.
3. John studies late                       night.
4. What do you usually do                       Friday mornings?

C. Complete with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. Emma enjoys                                          (watch) TV.
2. I want                                          (become) a nurse.
3. Would you like                                          (play) video games with me?
4. Saad can’t stand                                          (stay) at home on Thursday evenings.


Listen to Carl talking to his friend, Daniel, and complete the schedule with the activities. You don’t need to complete one of the days.
go shopping            hang out at the park with Daniel            have an art class


go to the gym


do homework



French lesson





Read the text and answer the questions.

Mike Donaldson is the editor of The Bristol Gazette. All the reporters and photographers at the newspaper like Mike a lot. He’s a great boss and they enjoy working with him. He lives in Bristol with his wife, Jane, and two daughters. He works very hard and gets home after eight in the evening. He’s usually very tired so he rarely helps Jane with dinner. Anyway, his wife is a part-time chef so she cooks lovely food for them. Mike doesn’t have much free time but, when he does, he loves watching TV and surfing the Net.  His dream is to take karate lessons and become active in the future.

1. What does Mike do?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
2. Who likes working with Mike?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
3. Who usually cooks dinner?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
4. What would Mike like to do in the future?                                                               .                                                                                                                


Write about your routine. What do you do in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, at the weekend, etc? Write about school/work, sports, etc.

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