Thursday, March 14, 2013

HOW TO ........?

How to..? is the most popular question we used to ask since our childhood. This question has developed according to everybody's ambitions,attitudes and thoughts .It grew as we grew together.How to do that?How to say that?were more Frequent questions in our early lives. Normal people usually ask: How to go to work and how to make a living and How to make a Family.How to teach our children good behaviors  How to buy a Cars?This is in the level of a family. not only good people ask this but criminals ask the same questions as well,but for different and bad purposes. How to rob a bank? How to cheat ? How to steal others properties.? Every invention we enjoy today , was only HOW TO? Then comes the good results after a lot of HOW TOS ? Some of HOW TOS? were some kind of madness , like flying, landing on the moon.After decades of HOW TOS, that became real.Flying all over the globe in several hours has become something very normal and easy.The moon has never been closer than nowadays. A big HOW TO has not been achieved or answered YET: HOW CAN THE GLOBE LIVE IN PEACE? Let's think together to find an answer for that for the sake of humanity.

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